La Tribune Wine’s Forum 2019
Climate: impact on the Mediterranean wine heritage
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Museum of Romanity – Nîmes
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Vinea Transaction was the guest of the Wine’s Forum organized by the Tribune on the theme of global warming and the adaptation of vine cultivation practices around a round table entitled:
Viticult ure and global warming: consequences, projections, solutions
Global warming will not make French vineyards disappear immediately, that is certain, but adaptations are essential so that French and foreign wines keep their identities.
It is in this context, punctuated by numerous drought alerts, that the theme of La Tribune Wine’s Forum 2019 naturally emerged.
In a completely redesigned format, La Tribune Wine’s Forum will be an opportunity to bring to the forefront offensive, original, daring initiatives from across the region and even from our border neighbors. An overview from experts, testimonials, environmental strategies and solutions for the future. From an economic and ecological standpoint, we will discuss the impact of labels on the work of producers, on conquering new markets and supporting structures.
Michel Veyrier, founding manager of Vinea Transaction, agricultural engineer and oenologist speaks about global warming and the impact on the Mediterranean wine heritage.